Saturday, July 27, 2013

Things are looking up...................

I've seen more people wanting to join the AQP since the advent of the Face Book page and that's great!  I've always stated that the more the merrier here and that seems to be true. 

Not only are people here in the US asking to join but so are others from different parts of the world.  This means more global exposure for the AQP and I'm always happy with that.

I've beem pleased to see more pics on the FB page, as well.  Linda has done some very beautiful pieces and believe me, the pictures don't do them the right justice.  You absolutely have to truly see them to appreciate the time and effort she puts into each one. 

That also goes for the other finishers for the project, not to mention the stitchers.  Their works are stunning at times and it always makes me happy to see what each and every one of you do here.  The work is truly stunning and lovely at the same time and I'm pleased that so much love and effort goes into each piece of art.


Yes, each piece is a work of art and the time and effort that goes into each piece is priceless and I'm sure that the families who eventually get our blankets would agree.

Keep up the good work everyone and believe me when I tell you that I can't thank you enough for all you've done - and continue to do - for the Angel Quilt Project.

Many times I've said this, the AQP isn't about me, it's not about you, but it's about the love and care we each put into our work to bring a little bit of joy to the parent's who are struggling each and every day that their child(ren) are in a NICU or a SCBU.  If we can accomplish bring a little bit of light into their lives during these trying times, then our 'mission' is complete.

Once more, thank you all for all that you do.


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