Saturday, July 6, 2013

Have you ever wondered...............................

.........what life would be like if you'd made different decisions at one time or another?

I know I have.

Many times over the life of the AQP I've considered closing the whole thing down.

I stopped the Australian Division when the head of the project, Melanie, passed away from a combination of Lupus and Breast Cancer.  The Australian Division was just getting into the swing of things and it was looking good.  No one wanted the responsibility of taking over Down Under and I really had no choice.  Now, I wonder.........................

I actually make an announcement on the UK Yahoo Group site for the AQP that a closing was near.  I even mentioned a date for it to happen.   Some of the UK members got in touch with me personally and asked that I reconsider.  I did.  Obviously the UK Division is still going and is getting stronger and Julie (Our Web-Mistress) has even opened a web-site dedicated to them.  I wonder......................

The Canadian Division has always done a good job.  Lorrie and her mother , Dodie, were some of the first Canadians to join the AQP way back when and I've always treasured their friendships and what they've meant to the AQP over the years.  Never in my mind had I even considered closing down that group, cause everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and were doing a wonderful job up there.  I wonder.................................

I've even come close to closing down the US Division at one or two different occasions.  Dale 'talked' me out of it, and I'm glad she did.  I wonder...............................

A lot of wondering to be done, but in truth I don't regret any of my decisions regarding the Angel Quilt Project.

Just as I was giving serious thoughts to shutting IT ALL DOWN, Julie got back in touch with me.  Only now she was no longer in Texas.  She was MARRIED!!!  And LIVING IN FINLAND!!!!  Whoa there................

Anyway, I'm glad she's returned to help us, as the AQP web-site was in serious dissaray and way too outta date!  She's revamped the site, added a Face Book page for us, opened web-sites for Canada AND the UK, and even got this blog opened so I can 'talk' about things AQP related. 

Ain't life weird?? 

Ain't life funny??

I had begun to doubt myself here and what I was contributing to the AQP.  I hadn't done any stitching, SERIOUS stitching in years and to tell the truth my heart just wasn't in it anymore.  I'd stitched a whole lot back in '06 and '07, when I was recovering from my by-pass surgery and then my brain surgery after the brain aneurysm.  Heck, for two years I was in recovery from one or both of those surgeries and at one time I could actually do nothing but sit, watch TV and stitch.  I think I did something like 150 pieces then.  LOL.  I actually enjoyed it again.

Then I got 'out' of it and I don't really know why.

I have to be in a certain mood to do things, like which book I'll read, what piece I'll stitch, you know, stuff like that.  I wasn't in the mood to stitch any more, so I let it sit and collect dust.

Then I bought a UK Stitching magazine and found Charlie's Ark!  That's what really got me into stitching again.  Thanks UK!!!!  LOL!

I've always love their charts and how the finished pieces look.  I've even learned to love stitching more on Evenweave then on Aida.  So much more can be done on Evenweave and the usage of 1/2 and 3/4 stitches is so much easier.

Well, to the present day........

I'm stitching almost full-time again!  I've completed 8 Charlie's Ark pieces, sent off about 7 of them (Some of them not mine! LOL!) to one of the finishers for a large blanket and 6 of another Charlie's Ark pieces for a large boys blanket.  I'm about to finish the second of 6 Charlie's Ark pieces for another large blanket, this time for a girl.

I've even done 2 Hello Kitty pieces for another large blanket and have another one planned as soon as I finish my Charlie's Ark girls pieces and another piece for the Canadian Division.  I promised Lorrie I'd do one for them.  Still.........................

.............................I wonder............................

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